Art Gallery Configurator UE5
A dreamy display of interactive digital art
Exploring the digital art exhibition
Inspired by digital art, social media and NFTs I wanted to create an interactive art experience.
I placed an art gallery in the middle of a desert and filled it with interactive art pieces and installations. I wanted to recreate the feeling you get when you go to an interactive art exhibition, but bing an X-feel to it, allowing the user to also change the art. To really embrace the experience, I placed a lot of care on creating a realistic soundscape and sound installations.
In the build, the user gets to freely walk around the gallery and switch out the art, interact with the installations that has applied physics and experience different soundscapes.


I achieved the goal, which was to create a calm experience with a creative and explorative approach, just like a museum. Project is available as an .exe on request.
Built in Unreal Engine 5 Early Access, Modeled in Blender.